Friday, February 1, 2013

Duck season has ended, I have put away all the decoys, cleaned the gun, washed the waders, and put the coat, clothses and the rest of the gear away, so now what? I don't sleep much, and I'm really tired of watching netflix, one can only watch it  so many times before you completely go nuts, and surfing the web only led me to spending to much money on hunting stuff that I probably did not need. So I guess what I will try is blogging. I'm no real expert on anything, but duck hunting is my passion, next to and only after my family duck hunting is my one and only vice. I have been duck hunting for the past 33 years, and have been fortunate enough to belong to 2 different private duck clubs for the past 23 years. I'm hoping that talking about all thing duck hunting related, it will help me wind down, and make the off season go by faster. So Ill throw out my random thoughts on guns, shells, decoys and gear, and hopefully get some feed back from other crazy duck hunter on what works for them. Here is to making time go by faster so I can get back to the marsh and enjoy the new season!

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